OLPH Pedaling Padres

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Friday, June 1, 2012

New App

So I just got the Blogger app so that I can do mobile blogging. The reviews online were not so favorable, but I figure for my intents and purposes it should be fine.

Today is the feast of St. Justin the martyr. If you get the chance, check out his dialogue with Rusticus just prior to his execution. What a witness to Truth he gives! You can find it in the Office of Readings for today.

Christians make a pretty radical claim. We hold that truth is bigger than any one person or their feelings, it is greater than any legislative body, it is more binding than all the tribunals of the whole world combined. Truth belongs to no political party nor any institution on the face of the Earth. Truth is found as it is revealed and learned, as it is experienced.

Christians profess that Truth has a name: Jesus Christ.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except trough me," Jesus boldly asserts in John 14:6.

Truth does not bow to anyone. Truth is not a matter of the most recent opinion poll or the result of a congressional vote. In fact, governments are only ever faithful to their duty of upholding the common good when they are first faithful to the fact that truth is found outside of their own desires and agendas.

This is why Catholics are so dang pesky when it comes to "the big issues" like birth control, abortion, euthanasia, gendercide, and the like. We are bound, obligated, and honored to be faithful to the truth.

Some argue that times change and moral values change, and both of these statements are true. But must one definitively conclude therefore that Truth changes? Just because a majority of society has lost its way does not mean that an essential truth has changed.

Truth is a person, and that person has put out there his definition-of-self as a pattern for all people, no matter their color, social standing, political persuasion, sexual orientation, state in life, or place on the body mass index. Jesus Christ invites you, yes YOU, into his truth.

And as an added bonus, Truth sets you free.

St. Justin, the Martyr, pray for us!

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